Thursday, May 16, 2013

End of the Year - That Was Fast!

You know how time is relative? If one were to use my blog to measure time, the old saying "time flies" would literally be true. My last post lamented the start of a new school year, and now next week is the end of the school year. Where did it go? Seriously, I want to know. Where did the time go?

Although, I am baffled by how fast the year has passed, here are a few clues:

- I started a home-based preschool
- We began getting certified for foster care
- We sold our house
- We lived in a hotel for a month with 4 kids (waiting for the new house)
- Moved into the new house
- Got settled and...
- It was the end of the school year

Yep, that's pretty much how it all went. Here is a sort of photo essay of the year.

Photo by Rachel Eng Photography

Photo by Rachel Eng Photography

Photo by Rachel Eng Photography

Photo by Rachel Eng Photography

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