Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Tea

On Friday I got to go to a Mother's Day Tea at Maija's preschool. As part of the Tea, her teacher had asked each child several questions about their mothers. Here are her answers:

"What is your mommy's name?" - Kim
"How old is your mommy?" - 11 or 12
"What color is your mommy's hair?" - White
"Where is your mommy's favorite place to eat?" - Restaurants and home
"What is your mommy's favorite thing to play?" - Hide-n-seek
"I love my mommy as much as..." - Playing hide-n-seek
"What is your mommy's job?" - Work all the time, go to store and take care of me
"What is something your mommy always tells you?" - I love you
"My mommy doesn't like it when I..." - Do something bad to my sister or baby brother
"My mom laughs when I..." - Make silly faces and watch cartoons but not Spongebob. He's not funny.
"When does your mommy look the prettiest?" - When she dresses in princess clothes
"My mommy cooks the best..." - Chocolate chip pancakes
"My mommy's favorite place to go is..." - When I have birthdays at Chuck-E-Cheese's
"My mommy says,
  • 'Always... - love
  • 'Never.... - do something wrong
  • 'Be careful when.... - Mommy falls because she falls all the time
  • 'Money is... - for buying ice cream.'"

Too funny! And for the record, I DON'T fall all the time, but I DO always tell Maija I love her.

Also, my sister-in-law took the cutest pictures of Forest with her daughter (his cousin), Dolly, who was born the same week as he was. I'm posting just a few of them.


Hildie said...

So you like to wear princess clothes, huh?

Jess said...

I love that!! I am always amazed at children's innocents and honesty. (Even if they have a few of the facts wrong) Ellie thinks my hair is black!!!!
Love the pics of the babes!!!

Sara Schumacher said...

Hahahahaha! How cute!

Unknown said...

I love those two little babies together - 2 peas in a pod!
I cracked up over those Mother's Day questions! I remember my little one saying that his mommy's favorite things to do were shop and take a nap... So impressive, I'm sure the preschool teachers got a kick out of that one :)
I wanted to say that I LOVE that new little family photo at the top of your blog - adorable!