Monday, November 8, 2010

Family Home Evening

OK, all you Mormons reading this, you can skip this first paragraph wherein I will describe what Family Home Evening is. Every Monday night families in our church are encouraged to hold a family night or Family Home Evening. This usually means that Monday night is off limits to any other activities since everyone in the family gathers for singing, a short lesson or thought, and then the fun stuff - games and treats.

At our house Family Home Evening up to now has pretty much gone like this - either Kent or I will plan the lesson a few minutes before we start unless Maija has decided that she MUST do the lesson. If Maija does the lesson, we get a nice presentation on how great Jesus is and then how to read our letters, or some other mix of topics. It's quite entertaining. Then Bekah always wants to be in charge of treats and games. This worked for us since our children are so little, but I've been wanting a way to rotate who does what without spending a lot of money on something like --> this or --> this

Last Monday Kent and I finally took a little extra time to find whatever we happened to have around the house, and we put together our own little Family Home Evening craft with the kids. It's definitely nowhere near as nice as something you'd buy in a store or online, but it means a lot more to us because we all made it together.

(Note: You'll notice in the picture that Maija has the lesson for this coming Monday. Lol.)


*Katie May* said...

I like it! I've never seen the photo idea LOVE that idea!

Financial Aid for College said...

That's as cute as anything I've seen. GO, KIM!

kimberlina said...

Thank you! I just ordered some wallet size pictures, stuck some in my wallet, and used the rest for our little FHE board. Honestly, I'm surprised we were able to even get this together. I don't generally consider myself crafty, but hey...what's better than a craft made with the kids? No matter how it turns out.