Monday, May 31, 2010

Velkommen Hjem

Welcome Home! to my parents who are returning from their mission in Norway tomorrow. They spent a year in a small Norwegian town called Arendal on the east coast. The picture above is of Arendal. You can see what a quaint seaside town it is. We never did get a chance to go and visit them, but my mother was good to share lots of pictures on her blog.

Our whole family is excited to have Mummi and Grandpa back on the same continent and even in the same state for the next month. At the end of June, they'll return to their home in North Carolina, but we'll enjoy having them here until then. I'm sure my mother will return to her previous schedule of coming to Arizona every 2 months. :-) We hope.

My sister's wedding is less than 2 weeks away. I know she'll be happy to have my mother around to help with all the last minute stuff. I can hardly believe that we've already made it to June. What a crazy few months it's been. Having some family events will be a good break.

And Happy Memorial Day! Here's to the many soldiers who have lost their lives defending our country.


Sara Schumacher said...

That town looks so beautiful! Enjoy having your parents back!

Jen Johnson said...

Weddings are soo fun! Family is fun too! I hope you enjoy the fun, you deserve it.
